BYI   i make kms/kys/die jokes, don't comment on my voice, i make nsfw jokes, im sensitive about my interests, no they/them on me if u know my prns, i use yaoi/yuri ironically, i act satire most of the time, i flirt as a joke, please tell me if i did something wrong, i use slurs i can reclaim

  DNI   basic criteria, use loli femboy trap etc. you fetishize mlm/wlw, hate furries, proshipper, think fiction doesn't affect reality, dreamsmp fan

LIKES (^▽^)
yusmo, sleeping, seals, cats, horror games, plushies, fashion, cute things, hsr, jjk, dunmeshi, dmmd, alnstg, brutal satsujin, persona, bsd, vnc, ocs
math, school, vegetables, odd textures, artblock, paranoia, being cold, cheese, summer and winter, insects, avocadoes, thunderstorms, loud noises